Dairy Development
YGRO together with the Department of Animal Production & Health has carried out a Dairy Development Program in the Kurunegala District from 2005 and continues to work to support the farmers in the region. Ygro’s diary development program has evolved based on the strategy of increasing milk production through the setting up of diary villages. The objective of this development program is to empower poor farmers economically and socially. The strategy adopted is the creation of dairy villages for their entire province.

Development – in to war ravaged areas:
YGRO expanded its dairy development activities into other parts of Sri Lanka in recent years. Ygro then launched the Dairy Development program to the war ravaged north and East of the country. In Jaffna it is working with 30 widow and single women headed households so that through the Dairy enterprise these families resettling after the war will be economically and socially empowered. In Batticoloa the dairy program is being currently carried out in two villages and 70 farmers are benefitting. The latest project which began in February of 2015 is in Vavuniya District where two villages have been targeted on the basis of the poverty of the families.
YGRO’s philosophy in dairy development has been working with dairy farmers at micro level. This goes well beyond just providing farmers with tangible grants to develop farms. Farmer empowerment through training, awareness and exposure has been a significant feature in YGRO‘s dairy development strategy. Hundreds of farmers have been benefitted & benefitting through these programs over the years.
The vision of successive governments have been to develop the rural dairy milk production and for Sri Lanka to become self-sufficient in milk. Currently Sri Lanka imports 60% of its milk in powder form. In keeping with this strategy Ygro hopes to expand its dairy development program to the districts of Mannar & Moneragala which are two of the poorest areas in the island of Sri Lanka.
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