Job Booster
In view of the high demand to find employment for the many unemployed youth Ygro in partnership with WUSC commenced a Career Services and Employment Center in 1999 in Mannar. This then was started in Vavuniya. The functions include registering job seekers and matching them with the employers. The program also channels the youth for necessary training which leads to gainful employment. More than 2,000 youth have gained from these services.
Ygro has also been involved in TVET since 1999, Initially it operated in Keeri, a village in outskirts of Mannar, yet have secured TVEC recognition for Welding, Carpentry, Motorcycle repairs, Masonry, Leather Products manufacture and Electrical Household equipment repairs.
Over time the TVET moved to Mannar town where now we own a center. Ygro during its initial phases carried out vocational training in welding, masonry, carpentry in Dummalasuriya at our Ygro Center in the Kurunegala district.

The above 2 programs combined together has now evolved to be the Job Booster program connecting primarily of hundreds of youth form very poor background to (self) employment. Youth are also given career guidance to identify skills and career path as part of the program.
The Job Booster program works in partnership with employers, and based on demand for skills and jobs works with training institutes and other stakeholders primarily in youth and community empowerment to build capacity of those we empower in order to sustainably employ them.
They are also given business skills and soft skills to become entrepreneurs and employees with an edge to compete in the market.
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